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More Tips on Preventing Hearing Loss

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  1. Give your ears some R & R. Just as we enjoy rest after working hard, our ears need rest when exposed to certain environments. If you spend a prolonged period of time in a noisy environment, whether it’s at work or a concert, take breaks for at least five minutes each to relieve your ears of the noise. Medical professionals suggest giving your ears at least 16 hours of silence to fully recover after being in a loud environment.
  2. Stay away from cotton swabs/Q-Tips. Many people use these to clean their ears. Little do many know, however, that the ears clean on their own without our assistance. Wax prevents dust and other particles from entering your ear canal, so the presence of a small amount shouldn’t cause panic. When you insert a cotton swab into the canal, your ear is at risk of having its eardrum damaged. If you struggle with excessive amounts of wax in the ears, gently clean around the canal with a slightly wet towel. If this doesn’t work, try an ear wax removal solution several nights a week. These soften the wax so it will naturally flow out of your ears. The best solution, however, is to schedule an appointment with your audiologist.
  3. Use the medicine as directed. It’s possible that aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, and NSAIDS can affect your hearing. Talk about your medications with your doctor to find out which ones can affect your hearing and if they will contribute to hearing loss. Follow the instructions on the bottle or package and take them only as directed.
  4. Try to keep your ears dry as much as possible. It’s easy for swimmer’s ear or other infections to occur, especially during months when we are spending most of our free time at the beach or the lake, or by the pool. When water enters the ear, however, bacteria can form from the moisture, irritating the ear canal. Gently towel-dry your ears after coming in contact with water. If you can feel the presence of water, tilt your head and gently tug on your lobe to help release the trapped water.
  5. Adopt an active lifestyle. Cardio – especially running, walking, and cycling – is great for increasing blood flow throughout the body, especially to your ears. This keeps them healthy and working at their optimum ability.
  6. Limit your stress level. It’s been proven by medical studies that stress and anxiety can take a negative toll on the ears, causing temporary and permanent tinnitus. When stressed, we often experience fight or flight, which is when our body releases adrenaline. This creates pressure on your nerves, blood flow, body temperature, etc.
  7. Schedule check-ups with your audiologist. Your primary care physician can include hearing screenings as a part of your regular checkups if requested. Schedule annual hearing tests to help you recognize the early signs of hearing loss and how to find a solution before the issue becomes worse.

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