Lifetime Hearing Services is the first and only office in Florence, to offer the Lantos 3D Ear Scanning Technology. And, we are the first and only office in South Carolina at this time!
Every ear is unique, the best hearing and ear products are too as well. 3D Ear Scanning with Lantos Technology precisely and comfortably captures the size and shape of your outer and inner ears.
What is 3D Ear Scanning?
The Lantos 3D Ear Scanning Technology was developed at MIT, is FDA 510(k) registered and utilizes safe and hygienic membrane-based technology.
Lantos 3D ear scanning provides hearing care patients with a comfortable, non-invasive experience when taking an ear-mold impression. The Lantos scanner is a cutting-edge piece of technology that allows us to capture the unique anatomy of your ears so that we can provide you with a personalized hearing solution for hearing aids, hearing protection, and many other devices as needed.
How does the Lantos 3D ear scanner work?
Check out this video demonstration to see how 3D ear scanning works:
To begin the scan, the scanner membrane is gently placed in the ear. Once positioned correctly, the membrane will inflate to conform to your ear shape. Next, we will begin the scan. A small camera extends from the scanner and is moved around inside the inflated membrane to capture millions of data points that construct your 3D ear scan in real time. You can observe your scan in progress on the screen in front of you during your scan.
Once the necessary data has been captured, we will gently remove the camera, the membrane will deflate, and we will move on to the next ear. The scan procedure can take up to 10 minutes, depending on the number of scans needed to properly capture the required data.
Why should I have my ears scanned?
- Your 3D scan will be stored on your patient file and can be used again in the future unless significant changes occur. One Lantos scan can be used to make endless custom-fit products that can provide you with comprehensive hearing enhancement and protection solutions.
- Having your ears scanned allows for a comfortable, safe experience to properly measure your ear for your custom-fit device.
- 3D ear scans ensure proper delivery of a prescribed custom algorithm based on your unique ear anatomy.
- With the Lantos 3D ear scanner, we eliminate the need for a traditional earmold impression, which will save time, avoid challenges, and prevent the discomfort of silicon material inside your ear canal.
What are the benefits of custom-fit hearing products?
- Superior Comfort – Products with a custom-fit conform to your unique ear anatomy and eliminate irritation.
- Enhanced Audio Quality – Custom-fit devices and ear molds efficiently maximize sound delivery of your devices such as hearing aids, headphones, in-ear monitors, etc.
- Improved Stability – Your custom-fit hearing products will stay secure in your ears and don’t require constant adjustment.
Make an appointment today
to have your ears scanned with the Revolutionary Lantos 3D Ear Scanning system. We utilize the highest level of cutting-edge technology to assure your optimal hearing experience and results.