Hearing Aid Cleaning

Once you've invested in a hearing aid, caring for it properly will save you time and money on repairs. Keeping it clean will help prolong its life and keep the sound quality at its best. Lifetime Hearing Services offers professional hearing aid cleaning services for our patients.
Any dirt, debris or film on the internal parts reduces sound transmission, so you don't get the full benefits of this small, but sophisticated, hearing device. Ear wax in the speaker or tubing of the hearing aid is one of the most common causes of hearing aid dysfunction, also. If you notice that sounds aren't as strong or clear as usual, it could be that your hearing aid needs cleaning.
In addition to regular at-home attention, you should your hearing aid to your Audiologist's office twice a year for a deep cleaning. A little routine care will go a long way to preserving the life of your hearing aid.
Maintaining your hearing aid through daily cleaning and regular service is extremely important. Proper care helps retain optimum hearing conditions, extends the life of your hearing aid, and ensures proper hygiene.