What to look for in a good Audiologist
October 5, 2016
Biggest Hearing Aid Myths
August 7, 2017Five Things You Need to Know Before You Get Hearing Aids

Senior man with hearing aid, closeup
By: Ashley Elvington
Hearing – perhaps one of the more important senses of the human body. Many factors can contribute to hearing loss – such as aging, prolonged exposure to loud velocities, certain medical conditions, etc. – and can affect people of all ages. If you find yourself in need of one or even two hearing aids, here are five things that can help you in your search of better hearing.
1. If you are experiencing loss in two ears, two aids are recommended. Hearing with one ear can be rather difficult on its own, especially if it too is damaged. Two hearing aids have proven to be beneficial in improving the understanding of verbal communication (especially in louder environments), identifying where sounds are originating from, and the all around quality of sound. Of course, with hearing aids in each ear, hearing improves, thus decreasing the level of frustration often found in experiencing and living with hearing loss.
2. Understand that while hearing aids improve your hearing, they are simply just that – aids. They do not magically restore your hearing to what it used to be. They are there to help you hear, not act as a cure-all for hearing loss. When hearing aids are removed, your hearing loss returns to the state it was in before you received your hearing aids.
3. Living with hearing aids differs for each person. Some have trouble adjusting to them, some forget they’re even wearing hearing aids at all. It all depends on the person and the hearing aid(s) they have. Do not let another’s negative experience(s) with hearing aids sway you from being proactive about your own hearing loss.
4. There is a vast variety of hearing aid options for you. Some models are smaller; with these options, batteries will need to be replaced more often than those of larger models. Some models have buttons and controls, while others are digital. When choosing the perfect hearing aid(s) for you, you will be given a trial period until you find the perfect match. This may take time, but time well spent if it ultimately means better hearing and better quality of life for you.
Most importantly, understand that hearing loss is rather common and there’s nothing to be ashamed of in regards to doing what is best for you and your health.